Saturday, October 27, 2007

Jackon's Award

Last week I was honored to attend a ceremony at Jackson's school to watch him receive the Academic Achievement Award for the first grade. This means that he is doing really well in first grade we are really proud of him and his hard work. When his teacher gave him the award she said that he is always reading well and willing to help others when they don't understand. We are happy that he is doing well in first grade he has made lots of friends and has had no problem adjusting to Las Vegas. He just went off track so we are going to have to make sure he still gets in some school work so when he goes on track after Thanksgiving he will be ready to learn. Way to go Jackson!


Robyn said...

Way to go Jacks! And way to go Miranda for having your camera with you. I am so proud of you too!

Amanda said...

That's so great! Good job Jackson:) What a smart kid.